Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Separate Peace ch. 13


"I never killed anybody and i never developed an intense level of hatred for the enemy. Because my war ended before i ever put on a uniform; I was on active duty all my time at school; i killed my enemy there"(204).

This quote is significant because they are Gene's final words in the book that explain a lot. He is saying that most people find their enemy in battle (World War 2) and kill them. Where as he found and killed his enemy at school. What is great about these words is that he doesn't specify who Gene's true enemy is, even though many people would guess Finny, so it is sort of a cliffhanger and something for the reader to discover.

Do you think, deep down inside that Gene would trade places with Finny?

1 comment:

Nathaniel said...

Hey. Check out my opinion, 'kay?