Monday, October 5, 2009

Fallacy Examples

Hasty Generalization: Burkhard, the German man stole my car. Therefore all Germans are thieves.

Stereotype: All Mexicans living in America are illegal.

Cause and Effect: Ever since "new" rap introduced itself into the world it has seemed to display that murder, sex, and drugs are good things, which seems to be corrupting our youth. Thus, the evolution of rap and new/modern day rap is the sole reason as to why our youth is "falling between the cracks."

Only Cause: We can completely erase heart attacks from our futures if we exercise every single day.

False Analogy: Like Love, if you stretch an elastic band too far it will snap, just like your relationship.

Attacking the Person: Billy Bob is trying to explain the negative repercussions that come along with smoking and drinking, But he is just a white, virtuous christian, so we are not going to listen.

Either-Or Fallacy: Either we go all the way back home to get the food we prepared, or we cancel our road trip.

Non-sequitur: I can do anything i wish, because i am a student.

Circular Reasoning: Bob is such a nice person. He went to school. He should be the president of the United States.

Beginning the question: Everyone thinks that homework is fun.

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