Monday, March 23, 2009

Native Son pg. 53


"He was going among white people, so he would take is knife and his gun; it would make him feel that he was the equal of them, give him a sense of completeness"(43).

I think this quote explains Biggers way of living. It seems as if the only thing Bigger relies on is his gun and knife, violence and theft. This is sort of the main cover up Brigger puts on to hide his inner self. In order to hide his fear, he uses violence. i.e. When Bigger attacked Gus because he was too afraid to rob Mr. Blumm. It seems as though violence is the solution for everything for him. It also resembles the closest thing to a white man he can become, that with his knife and gun, he is equal to them. Not because of his work or personality, but because of his weapons.

Why did Bigger really go out for the job?

Is violence the peoples only sense of protection (Doc)?

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