Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Native Son pg. 163


"Nawsuh! You got me wrong! Mr. Jan gave me them things! He and Miss Dalton told me to read'em..."(161).

This quote is significant because here we see how Bigger uses the prejudices Mr. Dalton and Britten have against communists and blacks. Bigger is accused of being a communist solely based on the color of his skin. Bigger counter acts this be stating that Jan was the communist, that he was the one who gave Bigger the pamphlets. Immediately Mr. Dalton sympathizes with Bigger who now makes Jan the primary suspect. This exemplifies how Mary's death has only made Bigger more powerful as a black person and for once in his life on top of everyone else.

Do you think that Bigger will get away with his plan of accusing Jan?

Why is Britter still skeptical of Brigger's story?

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