Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Monte Cristo Notes

Stephen Simmons
Mr. George/AP English 11

Dantes’ Playing God:

• Dantes attempted to carry out divine or heavenly justice where he believed justice was not being done. This was a result of...

o His life being taken away from him. (He had a great life before prison)
o He was betrayed and put in prison under false pretenses
o He was attempting to right a wrong that was done to him
o He felt that society was not punishing those that wronged him

 “During these hours of meditation, which had passed like so many seconds, he had formed a terrible resolution and taken a fearful oath.”(Dumas 97).

o He tries to control everything around him and develops an all controlling, un-depictable personality during his return and hunt for vengeance.

• He tried to do things beyond his reach and human capabilities, as he learns later in the novel, his god-like actions weren’t pursued for the best.

o Took other peoples lives into his own hands
o Determined the fate of others

It wasn’t until later, that he realized the ripples of his actions were ripples of sin and regret:
 “And as though fearing that the walls of the accursed house would fall and crush him, he rushed into the street, doubting for the first time whether he had the right to do what he had done.” (568 )
(Dantes aspires to be like God, to do things greater than himself).

• Like heaven for God, Dantes also has a heaven like domain, the Isle of Monte Cristo.

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